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Jeff’s 5 Steps Towards Positivity
We were delighted to bring back former guest, Jeff Bonano of Do Something Nice Podcast. Jeff called in from his new sound booth in his recording studio to share some helpful advice for maintaining positivity during the pandemic that is keeping us cooped up in our homes. Additionally, we are all being hit with a firehose of information 24/7 about the US election, the state of the world, & so many other negative stimuli.
We hope that you are able to take some of what Jeff says in this podcast and put it to good use. We all really need some positivity right now and Jeff has put forth some easily implementable practices to help you build positive habits in your life.
If you didn’t catch our first episode with Jeff, check out this episode so you can learn more about his journey & why he started his podcast.
Practical Advice
Exercise: Maintaining a base level of fitness will be crucial to maintaining your mental health. This doesn’t mean you have to be hitting the gym (most are closed anyway) but finding time to go on a walk, cycle, play fetch with the dog, do some yoga, just keep your body moving everyday.
Social Circles: Stay in touch with friends who you can have an honest conversation about. Additionally, be there for friends who may not reach out to others. Simply getting caught up to speed with an old friend or family member can cheer you up!
Stop, Drop, Roll: If you notice that you’re in a negative mindset or something that you read online that puts you in a funk – Step one is to stop. Take a moment and breathe so that you can put a buffer between you and the stimuli. If nothing else, put forth the effort to practice this step. Reactive thinking & impulsive behavior should be reserved for serious and immediate emergencies. Following that, drop your reactive thinking. There may be information that you don’t have that will change the situation but if you don’t stop and drop, you run the risk of perpetuating the issue. Lastly, roll with it. Sometimes things are annoying or frustrating but in the long run aren’t worth our energy.
Gratitude: We all have something to be grateful for. Take some time out of each day to acknowledge the good around you. There’s always some good, even if there’s more bad on the surface, there’s good around you somewhere.
Do Something Nice: If you’re feeling extra down right now, the world needs a whole lot of help. Do something for a neighbor, a stranger, a family member and see if you can do so without getting caught.